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Së Bashku Mund të Bëjmë Ndryshimin

Të Investojmë së Bashku

Golden Eagle Foundation

FRUTEX is one of the giants of the beverage industry, with brands such as Golden Eagle Energy Drink, Relax juices and Natural 100% juices. In 2015 the company created the ‘Golden Eagle Foundation’ with the aim of improving the health and quality of life of the individuals and communities they serve. Since then, the foundation has organized five campaigns to support healthcare, educational, and sports institutions, as well as certain communities in need. The initial campaign concept was created in cooperation with ASHA. Our collaboration has continued ever since, with our team creating and producing all of the TV advertisements for various campaigns they launched. Check out the latest project for Golden Eagle Foundation’, a TV Ad for Freesia, a paper company launched by the foundation itself.

Client: FRUTEX
Services: Marketing Campaign, Video Production, Advertising,